Saturday, July 31, 2010

His Test

How could a Man put his Heart to the Test?
If that test is the Ultimate question of His Life
what would he then do, if he fails this test
How would his life be shaped, if he doesn't do the test
but if he passes, what would he then become?
and how would he know that he passed
Since the Test is taking place within him?
What can He do if He finds Himself cheating?
If the Question, the Answer he Know-est not?
and if given the entire time of the World
He still cant find that yet simple answer
Oh my! what a wretched life is the Human Race
Everyone of up, puts a test across our Hearts
and our Soul and body are torn in two halves

created on 5th of Jan. 2008.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Sweet words are too easy to say
sweet people are difficult to find

Life ends when you stop Dreaming
Hope ends when you stop Believing
Love ends when you stop Caring
Friendship ends when you stop sharing


Love without Condition
Talk without Intention
give without Reasoning
care without Expectation

this is the heart of a true friend
Do people of Earth value these kind of People

Saturday, July 3, 2010

family luaghter

How beautiful, its lovely to behold
that family renewal creates pleasantries
hearing the family laughter, its wonderful
and seeing this joyful faces dancing
wondering what the gods are thinking
hearing the people's of the world laugh
its like the ointment poured upon the head
a blessing that would never cease

A Family's Love can never stop burning
and the wax is places by the gods
except the family puts it off
its a flame that burns without end
as the years go by and we grow old
the joy and pains grows bigger each day
and the laughter more sweeter
family laughter; is food for the soul

2nd Jan. 2009.