Oh, when the Saints go marching on
oh, Lord I want to be in the number
so, I heard them sing all the time
we all want to be in that few number
but can we do what the saints did?
that now; they go marching proud
and we stand by and applaud them
cheering them as they victoriously
walk by singing songs of bravery
of how they withheld the battle line
standing strong in the rain and sun
looking not back, holding their grounds
day and night; strugling with the enemies
pushing and pulling, standing with hope
praying softly for their beloved ones
as the weapons of the enemy flew by
and men fall dead everywhere
yet, like wounded lions they fought
and did not stop to rest for anything
forward was the cry, victory was the song
with all their might, they claimed victory
and now they are the celebrated saints
that go marching on to higher grounds
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